Omnia Audio Omnia.9 User Manual
Page 92

R The Band Mix (coupled)JC@; "8:?98E;:8E8CJF9<@E;@M@;L8CCP8;ALJK<;N@K?K?<Band 1 - Band 7 Level:FEKIFCJ
;ALJKD here should be made carefully (especially additional gain) as the only processing stage following this section is the Final Limiter. R 1?<0KL;@FGIF: 8?<8; C@D@KFinal Limiter Drive control and operates in a range between -6.00 and +6.00dB in one-quarter dB increments. Reducing limiter drive (sliding the control KFK? FM DFI R Enabling the Multiband LimitersGIFM@; KFK?<8II8E> already low latency times in the Studio processor core slightly. Chapter 14 Studio Processing Menu 92