Aac encoder menu – Omnia Audio Omnia.9 User Manual
Page 101

AAC Encoder Menu
1?< "E:F;8@E JKI<8DWJK@KC<8E;J R The TitleX as shoutcast.com. R The Enable:FEKIFC KF:FEE<:KKFK? R The SBR (Spectral Band Replication) Mode KF>>C I<:FDD I8K R The Channel Mode D -8I8D over 40kbps and to Parametric Stereo for bit rates of 40kbps and lower. Mono should be used only if the program material is mono. Because the Stereo Independent and Dual Channel settings force the encoder to divide bits equally between the left and right channels instead of allowing it to Chapter 16 Streaming Processing & Encoding Menu 101