Omnia Audio Omnia.9 User Manual
Page 47

K?<&EGLK$ D *8O@DLD $8@E FI K?<&EGLK$ /8K@FKF8::LI8K threshold. R The Attack control determines the speed with which the Input AGC acts to reduce audio above threshold. Lower settings represent slower attack speeds and allow more audio to pass unprocessed by the Input AGC into subsequent processing stages. Higher settings result in faster attack speeds and allow less unprocessed audio to enter subsequent sections. Because all of ,DE@8
WJGIF: K@D controls throughout are simply relative numbers. R The Release control determines the speed with which the Input AGC increases audio below K?I release speeds. R The Target control sets the target output level of the Input AGC. A lower setting results in a lower FLKGLK C “threshold” control when the levels are below the target. R The Gate Threshold and Freeze Threshold controls work together to determine the points at N?@:?K?8K =I< DLJK;IFG KF8CFN? audio doesn’t have to drop as much in level before the input AGC gain slows down or stops. Using higher settings when employing faster Input AGC release speeds can keep the audio from being @E:I<8J<;KFFHL@:BCPFI KFFDL:? ;LI@E>HL@ :FEX>LI<;@E JL:? 8 N8P K?8K K?<&EGLK$ D @E;@:8K<;9P8;@D;8IBI<;98I8KK?<9FKKFDF=K? brighter dark red bar. R 1?<&EGLK$ =<8KLI it more or less sensitive to particular frequencies. When the controls are not set to cut or boost any =I I8E> &EJFD<<8IC@ ;@J89C<;
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F:K8M &E8;;@K@FE8E8JJFIKD -8JJ#@CK R The Type;IFG;FNED R The Frequency slider is used to set the center frequency for each band. The range of this :FEKIFC@JKF%Q
R The Width slider determines how much audio above and below the center frequency will also be affected by any boosts or cuts in gain. The range of this control is 0.0 to 10.0 octaves in one- K values provide a wider (gentler) boost or cut. Chapter 9: FM Menu - Processing for FM 47