Mp2 server menu, Vorbis encoder menu – Omnia Audio Omnia.9 User Manual
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R The Gain:FEKIFC; MP2 Server Menu The MP2 Server menu allows you to input and set up your server settings. R The TitleX as R The Server X TJKI<8D@E>J R The Mount Point X =FCCFN@E>=FID8KT R Enabling the Allow Public Listing:FEKIFC J determined by the server. R The Server Type control allows you to choose between Shoutcast and Icecast2. R The URL X ;@JGC8P<;@EK? R The User NameX R The PasswordX R The Genre X typically entered here. R The Apply Immediately control determines whether any changes you make to the server settings take effect immediately or when you manually reconnect. Vorbis Encoder Menu 1?<3FI9@J JKI<8DWJK@KC<8E;,>>* Chapter 16 Streaming Processing & Encoding Menu 106