Wideband agc1 menu – Omnia Audio Omnia.9 User Manual
Page 48

R The Gain slider determines how much the audio selected with a combination of the Frequency
and Width sliders is boosted or cut. Each band can be boosted or cut by 12dB in one-quarter
dB increments for a total range of 24db per band.
R Note: You can see a visual representation of the sidechain EQ curve in a display window
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provided later in this chapter.
Wideband AGC1 Menu
The Wideband AGC1 D
I<;L:K@FEI8K@F8KK8:BI 98E;J@;<:?8@EG8I8D R The Wideband AGC1 Enable9LKKFE provides additional wideband compression as determined by its various controls. Disabling the Wideband AGC1 also makes this patch point unavailable in an oscilloscope or RTA display window. R The Bypass9LKKFE I point remains an available option for viewing on the oscilloscope or RTA via the Display Settings menu. R The Sidechain Delay feature is useful for both adding punch and managing the amount of low frequency power (while increasing bass punch). This is an especially useful “trick” for maintaining apparent loudness when operating under MPX Power regulations. R The Maximum Gain Ratio Attack rate Release I8K< Target Gate Threshold 8E; Freeze Threshold controls work in the same manner as their counterparts in the other sections of the ,DE@8
%FN R The Maximum Gain Reduction:FEKIFCJ 4@;<98E;$ :FDGI R The Progressive Release control determines the degree to which the Wideband AGC1 compressor releases its gain at a faster rate as the audio is driven further toward or into gain I<;L:K@FE
K8J Chapter 9: FM Menu - Processing for FM 48