Omnia Audio Omnia.9 User Manual
Page 11

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psychoacoustic distortion masking.
#IFD K?< %FD< D sliders to set the input levels. When driving the input with typical program material at normal operating C 8M C 9FK? :?8EE options. / factory presets. "Rustonium" is the default preset and provides a well-balanced sound with competitive CFL;E get a feel for each of them. Note: Omnia.9 contains a relay-bypass feature that allows unprocessed audio to pass directly C7A>D67C74D=8CC>?A4E4=C2>;4C4;>BB>50D38>340308A 0=HC8<4C74B>5CF0A48B=>C02C8E4 This includes when the unit loses power, is in the start-up process, or must re-initialize its software 05C4A0??;H8=624AC08=DB4A8=8C80C432>=P6DA0C8>=270=64B %>A<0;;HC78B8B=>C0=8BBD4 >F4E4A8=24AC08=B8CD0C8>=B5>A4G0;485H>D70E40?;0H4A 2>==42C43C>C740=0;>68=?DCB0=30=0;8P4A>AB?40:4AB2>==42C43C>C740=0;>6>DC?DCBC78B means the input and output will be directly connected with no attenuation whatsoever, resulting in 5A843B?40:4AB>A40A3ADA0=4E82C8>==>C8245>;;>F8=62>;08=CB5A><8AA8C01;4=48671>AB When engaged, the bypass relays hard wire the following inputs to outputs: Analog In > Analog Out $08=868C0; =$08=$&DC DG868C0; =DG&DC $'. =$'.&DC $'. =
Chapter 2: Quick Startup Guide 11