Omnia Audio Omnia.9 User Manual
Page 67

R The Delay control works the same here as it does previous and subsequent display sections.
R The Resolution:FEKIFCJ I I 8GGIFO@D8K R The Decay Rate:FEKIFC 8;ALJKJ?FN HL@:BCPK?<;@JGC8PN@CC =8CC 8=K J R The Peak Hold control enables or disables the ability to indicate and hold the highest peak achieved. Peak Hold is displayed in the dark green background layer. R The X-Center control centers the display at the selected frequency. R The X-Width:FEKIFCJ R The Y-Center control centers the display vertically around the selected level in dB. R The Y-Range control sets the displayed level range in dB. R The dB Scale Position:FEKIFC8CCFNJPFL KFDFM the display. Advancing the control completely to the right places it in front of the graph at all times. Below are some examples of how to use the FFT menu: As a pilot protection monitor: R Display the MPX Output R 0 R Set Decay Rate to 6 Chapter 9: FM Menu - Processing for FM 67