Aac server menu – Omnia Audio Omnia.9 User Manual
Page 102

8CCF:8K reason to do so. R The Bit Rate menu allows you to choose encoding bit rates between 16kbps and 320 kbps. Your :?F@: N@CC 8CJF E<<; KFK8B 8M8@C89C<=FI K? download speed limits of your intended users. R The Audio Bandwidth menu allows you to set the high frequency range of the stream between 8 8E; B%Q
2EC recommend leaving this control set to Encoder Default. R The Sample RateD ;
R The setting of the Gain:FEKIFC@J:I@K@:8C
+FID8CCPK?@J:FEKIFC:8E9 8I there will be peak overshoots created as a side effect of the bit rate reduction. Unless the input C C the Final Limiter Drive from within the Streaming processing core. AAC Server Menu The AAC Server menu allows you to input and set up your server settings. R The TitleX R The Server X TJKI<8D@E>J R The Mount PointX =FCCFN@E>=FID8KT Chapter 16 Streaming Processing & Encoding Menu 102