Omnia Audio Omnia.9 User Manual
Page 63

R The Oversampling :FEKIFC
view of the signal. This is most critical when monitoring the MPX Output or the L/R Pre-emphasis
%FN R The Phosphor Persistence:FEKIFC8;ALJKJ?FNCFE>C8K of 0 provides no image delay at all and offers the greatest amount of visual detail for the current information on the scope. Higher settings allow images of signal that has already passed through the scope to remain on the screen for progressively longer periods of time. Setting this control all K? R The Gain:FEKIFC8;ALJKJK?<6J:8C R The Lines:FEKIFC8;ALJKJK? R The Zoom :FEKIFC8CCFNJPFL KF:?FFJ<9 setting the sweep time of a traditional oscilloscope. R The I/O (Input/Output) Menu allows you to view the audio signal at various points of the Program &EGLK*-5,LKGLK)/,LKGLK*-5&EGLK*-5&EGLK8E;-I< R From the Program InputG8K:?GF@EKPFL:8EM@ R From the MPX Output G8K:? GF@EK PFL :8E M@ DF;LC8K<; C<=K ;< F9K8@E<;K?IFL>?89I@:B N8CCG?8J J@>E8CD@ELJ0 :8II@ R From the L/R OutputG8K:?GF@EKJPFL:8EM@ K?<;< GI< R From the MPX Input 1 and 2 G8K:?GF@EKJPFL :8EM@ DF;LC8K<;C<=K;< MPX signal minus SCA carriers. R The Pre-emph Input8CCFNJPFLKFM@ JG<:@X:8CCP=FILJ 8EPF=K? analog input. R From the De-clipperG8K:?GF@EKPFL:8EM@ the left or right channels. R The Undo Pre patch points allow you to view the audio signal from each of the 5 individual bands F=K?<2E;FJ<:K@FE 8=K right channel. R The Undo Post patch points allow you to view the audio signal from each individual band or the combined output of all bands of the Undo section after the de-clipper AND after Undo’s multiband Chapter 9: FM Menu - Processing for FM 63