Omnia Audio Omnia.9 User Manual
Page 22

• The Input AGC levels are indicated by a bright yellow bar. The Wideband AGC1 levels are shown
8J 8 ;8IB FI8E>< 98I :FDGI below the AGC1 meter. • The MultibandD sections for each band (ranging from 2 to 7 depending upon the preset employed). As is the case N@K?K?<$ D controls. • The AGC level in each band is indicated by a bright yellow bar. The multiband limiter for each band @J I reduction for each band is shown by a dark red bar that appears to drop down from the very top of K? ;8IB I<; I@99FE 8K K?<9FKKFD F= K? I detection is indicated by a green ribbon in the same location. • If the Wideband AGC2:FDGI @EFE The Wideband AGC3 meter will appear after the multiband section as well if it has been enabled. • The Multiband Output D the Bass Clipper and Final Clipper. • The MPXD G@CFKGCLJ/!0N? • The L/RD or Digital FM L/R outputs. • The Multiband Stereo Enhancer meters will be displayed if the current preset employs this feature. 6 widening of the stereo image. /<;98IJ stereo image. Chapter 5: Reading the Processing Meters 22