Wideband agc3 menu, Band mix menu – Omnia Audio Omnia.9 User Manual
Page 55

R The Transient Enhance Maximum Gain Ratio Attack JG<<; Release JG<<; Target Gate
Threshold, and Freeze Threshold controls work in the same manner as their counterparts in the
Wideband AGC1 section.
R The Wideband AGC2 dropdown control enables or disables the Wideband AGC2 section and
allows you to choose whether it is situated before or after the Multiband AGC section or used as a
dedicated Bass Compressor.
R If you use the AGC2 as a Bass Compressor@KN@CC9 8==<:KFECPK? XE8C:C@GG AGC. R Bass OnlPT,U 8==<:K>8@EJFFECPK? R Bass Wideband T4U 8CJF JG<:KILDJFK?<98JJ9<:FD DF;< @JDFJKLJ<=LC N? 98JJ8L;@F@E:@I:LDJK8E: will be less bass present in situations when there are other frequencies present. Wideband AGC3 Menu The Wideband AGC3 D :FEKIFCJ 9LKN@K? FE<;@== J<:K@FEFECP8=K AGC2. Band Mix Menu The Band Mix* processing has been applied. It can be used very effectively to tailor the overall spectral balance of your JFLE; 9LK B< C@GG FI *@OJ<:K@FE :8E FECP 9<:FEKIFCC<;9PXE8C :C@GG@E>FI XE8CC@D@K@E>N?@:? D8PI LEN8EK<;; Chapter 9: FM Menu - Processing for FM 55