Pre-emph input menu – Omnia Audio Omnia.9 User Manual
Page 83

R The Input Gain slider sets the input level of each of the two MPX Inputs in a range from -12dB to
+18dB in one-tenth dB increments.
R The Pre-emphasis setting controls the de-emphasis circuit used when the MPX Input patch point
E<<;J KF 9<;< monitor input or if Left De-mod is selected when viewing the patch point in an oscilloscope display N@E;FN
1PG@:8CCP K?@JJ?FLC;9 75us. R The Add Delay:FEKIFC8CCFNJPFL KF; match that of the Omnia.9. R 0@E: compensate for Tilt Amount and (7:B =34L173 are provided. To get a good square wave I<=I8DD@E>8E;?<8MPGIF: FEK? R The PEQ 9LKKFE 8;ALJKcenter frequencywidth8E;gain8I<8M8@C89C R 1?<-". :8E9 D @E8::LI8:P9LKG?8J I<:<@M &EGLK -". KF result. Pre-emph Input Menu 1?<-I< ; use with the L/R Outputs from another processor. This input can receive audio from any of the three digital inputs. The analog input is not suitable as it is not DC coupled. Chapter 12: FM Menu - MPX Inputs 83