Display settings menu – Omnia Audio Omnia.9 User Manual
Page 57

D@E;K?8K8J mean that no clipping is taking place. R The Bass Clipper Slope control determines the slope characteristics of the bass clipper. R Slope 1@JXCK ?8I;
%FN K? the cleanest and punchiest bass sound. R Slope 2 ?8J8 ?@>? N?@C<:I<8K@E>8T;@IK@ FE8JD8CC R Slope 1+2 is simply Slope 1 followed by Slope 2. Most of the low bass will be controlled by 0CFG< 8E;JK8PE@:<8E;:C<8EN?@C N@K?FLK8==<:K@E>K? you the cleanest sound. R The Bass Clipper Threshold control sets the threshold of the Bass Clipper. Raising the threshold DFM@E>K? GC8:<8>I<8K K??K N@CCP@ result in low frequency distortion if set too low. R The LF Protection Threshold HF Protection Threshold 8E; A15 Protection Threshold :FEKIFCJ8;ALJKK? :C@GG?@>? =I M8I@FLJ =I Advancing these controls ensures their corresponding frequencies will always have at least some IFFD I controls too much will cause the sound to become dull and dense. These are very critical controls 8E; 8CCFN PFL KF ; listening very carefully to the sound with your ears and watching the waveform on the oscilloscope very carefully when setting these controls. R The LF Protection Threshold:FEKIFCJ=I of these frequencies will already have been dealt with by the bass clippers. The range of this control is -12.0dB to +12.0dB in one-tenth dB increments. R The HF Protection Threshold :FEKIFCJ=I this control is -12.0dB to +12.0dB in one-tenth dB increments. R The A15 Protection Threshold:FEKIFCJ=I HL@K< :8G89C< F= G8JJ@E> 8L;@F @E GIF: these additional high frequencies to pass through while making sure the pilot is well protected. The range of this control is between -24.0dB and 0.0dB in one-tenth dB increments. Display Settings Menu The Display Settings* screen at the same time. Chapter 9: FM Menu - Processing for FM 57