Metric Halo Mobile I/O User Manual
Page 368

Power, 91
Rear Panel, 88
Routing, 89
Signal Flow, 89
Specifications, 92
What comes with it, 85
What you need to use it, 85
Mackie Control (see Control Surface)
Mailing list, 351
Master Bus, 170
Master strip, 165, 181
Bus Name, 183
Bus Output Assign, 183
Channel Fader, 183
Channel Meter, 183
Character Select, 182
Direct Output Routing Point (post inserts), 183
Direct Output Routing Point (pre-Inserts), 182
Fader Gain display, 183
Monitor Controller Assign, 184
Mult output assignment, 184
Mute, 183
Plug-in Inserts, 183
Primary output assignment, 184
Record Enable, 183
(ULN-8/LIO-8), 114
2882, 58
Channel Strip Meters Post Fader, 255
ULN-2, 71
Meters on the Knobs (ULN-8/LIO-8), 121
Mic, 147
Mic Amp (ULN-2), 72
Mic S/R Mode (ULN-8), 104
Mic/Pad, 147
Mic/TRS switch (ULN-2), 72
MIO Console
Installing, 133
Key Commands, 318
Preferences, 252
MIO Console Preferences
Check for unregistered units, 254
Console windows float when connected, 254
Console windows hide when host is not active ap-
plication, 254
ConsoleConnect Preferences, 254
ConsoleSync, 253
Disable scroll wheel control of UI control ele-
ments, 254
Double-click of parameter controller resets value,
Enable Control Surface Support, 254
Enable EuCon Support, 254
Enable Legacy Box Support, 253
Fader Packs, 254
On Launch, 252
Primary Controller, 254
Use ConsoleConnect as conduit only, 254
Use Control Surface while in background, 254
Use OpenGL for rendering, 254
MIO Console Window, 142
Missing meters in MIO Console, 334
Mix Bus, 164
Mixer Configuration
Add a channel to a Mix Bus, 170
Add/Remove all visible channels to/from a Mix
Bus, 171
Create a Mix Bus, 170
Delete a Mix Bus, 170
Filter visible channels, 171
Input Channel Names, 170
Remove a channel from a Mix Bus, 171
Rename an Input Channel, 170
Mixer strip
Channel, 164, 171
Master, 165, 181
Mixer Window, 159
Mobile I/O 2882
ADAT Optical Digital Audio, 63
AES Digital Audio, 63
Analog Audio Connections, 61
Clock source, 58
Clock Sync, 64
Dim, 59
FireWire, 64
Front Panel, 58
Headphones, 59
High Power mode, 154
Metering, 58
Mute, 59
Output attenuation, 62
Overview, 56
Power, 64
Rear Panel, 59
Routing, 60
Signal Flow, 60
SPDIF Digital Audio, 63
Specifications, 65
SRC, 63