Mio 4th order nonlinear map, Mio 4th order symmetrical nonlinear map, 298 mio 4th order symmetrical nonlinear map – Metric Halo Mobile I/O User Manual
Page 298

MIOInSlew limits the slew rate of the input to the maximum slew rate specified by the
Slew Rate
parameter. This block simulates the effect of slew rate limiting on the output of a signal driver. The
slew rate limitation has the effect of a slow-rolloff nonlinear filter, and is an interesting distortion effect.
Slew Rate
[0, 100] samps
Sets the maximum change in the input on a sample-by-sample basis.
Master Bypass
{On, Off}
Causes the maximum slew rate to be
, and provides a hard-bypass to the signal processor.
See also:
MIO 4th Order Nonlinear Map
• Synopsis: 4th Order Nonlinear Map
• Category: Distortion, Building Blocks
• Channels: 1
MIO NL(4) Map applies the nonlinear map specified by the parameters to the input signal to form the
output signal. The quadratic term creates second-harmonic distortion. The cubic term creates third-
harmonic distortion. The quartic term creates both second-harmonic and fourth-harmonic distortion.
Theres non-linearities can be applied to generate a wide variety of wave-shapers and distortion effects.
[-4, 4]
Sets the coefficient of the linear term of the map.
[-4, 4]
Sets the coefficient of the quadratic term of the map.
[-4, 4]
Sets the coefficient of the cubic term of the map.
[-4, 4]
Sets the coefficient of the quartic term of the map.
Master Gain
[-4, 4]
Sets the overall gain of the output post mapping.
Master Bypass
{On, Off}
When enabled, bypasses the process so that the output is the same as the input.
MIO 4th Order Symmetrical Nonlinear Map
• Synopsis: 4th Order Symmetrical Nonlinear Map
• Category: Distortion, Building Blocks
• Channels: 1
MIO SNL(4) Map applies a symmertrized version of the nonlinear map specified by the parameters.
This means that the applied non-linearity has the same relative polarity to the input signal polarity. You