Metric Halo Mobile I/O User Manual
Page 360

• Side, (always figure-8) turned 90° in relation to the Mid. Should be
placed as close as possible to the Mid’s diaphragm.
The two signals are matrixed to stereo using a M/S decoder. The advantage
of M/S recording is that the stereo width is variable from true mono through
stereo and can be modified after recording.
The M/S Processor included with +DSP adds the ability to encode stereo
to M/S, allowing you to separately processes the center and sides of a pre-
recorded stereo signal.
To send one signal to “multiple” places at once. For example, you could
mult your stereo mix to Analog 1-2 and Digital 1-2 to send them to different
devices simultaneously.
Mult can also refer to a multichannel cable; for example, a DB25 cable is
used as an eight channel mult with the LIO-8 and ULN-8.
Nominal level
The operating level at which a device is designed to operate. For example,
the nominal level of a professional audio device is usually +4dBu, while the
nominal level of a microphone is typically -60 dBv. To connect these devices
together we need a third device to make their nominal levels compatible, in
this case a mic pre.
Ohm (Ω)
Unit used in the measurement of resistance and impedance. Often used
with prefixes to indicate large values, such as “k” (kilo) which equals 1000;
for example, 5 kΩ means five thousand ohms (or 5 kilo ohms) . Similarly,
“M” (mega) is used to indicate 1,000,000; so 10 MΩ means 10 million ohms
(or 10 megaohms).
Optical SPDIF
A standard for digitally connecting two devices together. Optical SPDIF
sends and receives two channels of audio, using a TOSLINK optical cable.
Occurs when a signal exceeds the headroom of a system, potentially causing
unpleasant distortion.
Allows you to determine where a sound is heard in the soundfield. The pan-
ners in MIO Console are context sensitive, meaning they change depending
on how many channels are in the bus you are sending to:
• Mono bus: No panner
• Stereo or LCR bus: Pan knob
• Quad to 7.1 bus: “X-Y” surround panner
Phantom power
A DC voltage applied to a microphone input used to power a condenser
microphone or DI box. Phantom power is most commonly 48 volts, and
should not be turned on if a line level device is connected to the input.