Tips for specific host daws, Routing tips for logic, Using logic i/o plug-ins – Metric Halo Mobile I/O User Manual

Page 214: Inserting the i/o plug-in

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Routing Examples


You can also launch MIO Console (running natively in Mac OS X), and use it to control the patchbay, mixer,
+DSP, mic pre gains, etc. – just as you would if your audio app was Mac OS X native.

So grab Wavelab or Reaper or Nuendo and have fun!

Tips for Specific Host DAWs

Please follow the links below for specific tips on how to maximize your experience with FireWire returns:


Digital Performer



Routing Tips for Logic

Using Logic I/O plug-ins

Using Logic I/O plug-ins on track objects (normal audio tracks) to route through processing on the MIO is
pretty straight forward.

1. Insert the I/O plug in on the logic channel you want to process in +DSP

Figure 13.23: Inserting the I/O Plug-in

2. Set the I/O plug’s Outputs pop-up to any output other than the pair you are monitoring through. For

example, if your main mix is going out of outputs 1-2, you can set the outputs of the I/O plug to any
output other than 1 and 2 (in the illustration below we use DAW 3/4).

3. In the MIO Mixer, create a channelstrip for DAW 3/4. Assign its POST-insert Direct Out to FW channels

that you aren’t using as an inputs to Logic already; we’ll use FW 11/12.

4. Set the input of the Logic I/O plug to input 11-12 (to match the send that you have selected) and the

+DSP processed signal is now being returned to the Logic Track.

5. Insert your processing (in this example, a +DSP graph) in this channelstrip.
6. You are done!