Select, Map range, Constant – Metric Halo Mobile I/O User Manual
Page 311: 311 select, 311 map range, 311 constant

• Synopsis: Selects the minimum value of its two inputs
• Category: Math
• Channels: 2
Min passes the input that has the smallest value on a sample by sample basis. The output of Min is
the smaller of its inputs.
• Synopsis: Selects the value of its inputs based upon the value of the control input
• Category: Math
• Channels: 2
Select passes one of its inputs (x or y) based upon the value of the signal at its Cntl input. When Cntl
0, the signal at input x is passed to the output. When Cntl
0, the signal at input y is passed to the
output. This determination is made on a sample by sample basis, so the Select plug-in can be used to
modulate or select between two different signals based upon the value of a third signal, which could
be a control signal or an audio signal.
Map Range
• Synopsis: Linearly maps input signal based on parameter selections
• Category: Math
• Channels: 1
Map Range linearly maps the signal at the input to its output based upon the control parameters spec-
ified. Map Range allows you to map an arbitrary input range to an arbitrary output range, optionally
clipping the output signal to the specified output range. The output signal is determined by the equa-
tion out = in * (
Out Hi
Out Low
In Hi
In Low
) +
Out Low
. If
Clip Out
is enabled, the
output signal will be clipped to the range [
Out Low
Out Hi
In Low
[-1, 1]
Low End of input range.
In Hi
[-1, 1]
High End of input range.
Out Low
[-1, 1]
Low End of output range.
Out Hi
[-1, 1]
High End of output range.
Clip Out
{Off, On}
If Enabled, the output signal is clipped to the range specifed by [
Out Low
Out Hi
• Synopsis: Output a constant DC signal