Scale/offset, Svf control, 305 svf control – Metric Halo Mobile I/O User Manual
Page 305

• Synopsis: Scale and Offset Signal
• Category: Building Blocks
• Channels: 1
Scale/Offset is used to apply an affine transformation to the input signal on a sample by sample basis.
This can be used to suitably scale and offset control signals used as audio-rate controls for blocks
that accept such signals, or it can be used to set scale and bias on signals before they are driven into
non-linear elements. The added DC bias can be used to condition the waveshaping applied by the
nonlinear signalprocessing blocks. The remaining DC offset can be removed by another Scale/Offset
instance, or by using a DC-Block filter.
[-5, 5]
Gain applied to input signal.
[-1, 1]
DC-Offset added to the scaled input signal.
Master Bypass
{On, Off}
When engaged, the process block is hard-bypassed, and the output signal is the same as the input
SVF Control
• Synopsis: Interpolated Multimode Filter
• Category: EQ, Synth Effect, Building Blocks
• Channels: 1
SVF Control is a monophonic process block that simultaneously applies multiple filters (high pass,
low pass, band pass and notch) to the input signal. Each filter is available on a different output of
the process block.
The filter parameters are fully interpolated, so you can modify them without causing any glitches in the
audio being processed. In addition, the SVF Control provides a
control parameter that allows
you to control the interpolation rate. This allows you to configure the filter so that it reacts instantly
to parameter changes, or has a slower gliding behavior.
parameter allows you to set the center/cutoff frequency of the various filters. The
allows you to control the resonance at the cutoff frequency. Larger Q's will increase the peaking at
the cutoff frequency.
[0, 5.5k] Hz
Sets the center frequency/corner frequency of the filter.
[0.5, 1k]
Sets the quality factor of the filter, and controls the resonance at the cutoff frequency.
[1m, 1]
Sets the glide rate of changes to the other parameters. When the Glide is set to 0, the filter will
not change in response to parameter changes. When the glide is set to 1, the filter will change