Metric Halo Mobile I/O User Manual

Page 366

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ULN-2, 78
ULN-8, 104

Computer does not see Mobile I/O, 332
Console file, 249
Console Window, 142

Conduit mode, 259
Cubase tips, 262
Digital Performer tips, 261
Finding the Plug-in, 260
FireWire returns, 187
GarageBand tips, 263
Key Commands, 259
Logic tips, 261
Overview, 256
Plug-in mode, 258
Preferences, 257
Pro Tools tips, 265
Status menu, 259

ConsoleSync, 250
Control mode (ULN-8/LIO-8), 112
Control Surface

Eucon and MIOConsoleConnect, 267
EuCon Control Room Support, 267
EuCon Control Surface Support, 267
EuCon Mixer Model, 268
Mackie Control and MIOConsoleConnect, 267
Mackie Control Default Key Commands, 269
Mackie Control Room Support, 269
Mackie Control Surface Support, 269
Mackie Mixer Model, 269

Control Surface Preferences

Enable Control Surface Support, 266
Enable EuCon Support, 267
Fader packs, 266
Primary controller, 266
Use Control Surface while in background, 267


Buffers, 330
Channel enables, 330
Channel names, 330
Clock sources, 331
Driver, 329
Overview, 329
Sample size, 330
Transport and sample rates, 329

Could Not Instantiate Plug-In, 334


DI Inputs

LIO-8, 90
ULN-2, 72
ULN-8, 103

ULN-8/LIO-8, 117

DI Source pop-up menu, 154
DI SRC button (2882, ULN-2), 154
Digital Input Meters, 149
Digital Output Meters, 156

2882, 59
ULN-8/LIO-8, 117

Direct Output Routing Point (post inserts), 174, 183
Direct Output Routing Point (pre-Inserts), 173, 182

Revision number, 156
Updating, 325


Bypass, 242
Graphs, 243
Inserts, 241
Making connections in Graphs, 244
Patch Library Pop-up Menu, 246
Plug-in packages, 271
Plug-in UIs, 241
Setup registers, 242
Sidechain, 242

DSP Panel, 143


Edit IR… (ULN-8/LIO-8), 122
Enable IR Remote (ULN-8/LIO-8), 122
Encoder (ULN-8/LIO-8), 117
Erase All States on Current Box, 335
EuCon (see Control Surface)


Fader Gain display, 175, 183
FAQ, 351

2882, 64
FAQ, 327
LIO-8, 91
Overview, 326
ULN-2, 79
ULN-8, 105

FireWire Bus Did Not Reset Correctly, 332
FireWire Cable Is Not Connected or Bad, 333
FireWire Hardware Has Been Damaged, 333
Firmware (Updating), 322
Firmware Update Problems, 337
Forget All Offline Boxes, 144
Forget All Offline Boxes (and Delete From Mixer), 144
Forget Offline Box, 144
Forget This Offline Box (and Delete From Mixer), 144
Front Panel

2882, 58