Tips for specific host daws, Logic, Digital performer – Metric Halo Mobile I/O User Manual
Page 261: Mioconsoleconnect is an au in dp, Where to insert mioconsoleconnect, 261 digital performer, When things go wrong: partially instantiated au, 261 18.5. mioconsoleconnect inserted in a v-rack
Tips for Specific Host DAWs
Please follow the links below for specific tips on how to maximize your experience with ConsoleConnect.
The best place to insert MIOConsoleConnect is on an unused (virtual) instrument channel. The MIOConsole-
Connect plug-in will work on any type of channel but it will use no CPU on a channel with no audio. You
only need to insert MIOConsoleConnect once per session in order to save every parameter of all connected
Metric Halo boxes with your session.
Digital Performer
MIOConsoleConnect is an AU in DP
Since Digital Performer has first-class support for the AU plug-in standard, we did not make a MAS-specific
plug-in for ConsoleConnect. Instead, you can simply use the AU plug-in with Digital Performer.
You should be aware of a quirk in DP/MAS that affects the use of AU plug-ins in Digital Performer. In order to
fully instantiate an AU plug-in in Digital Performer you must have the I/O on the mixer strip fully configured.
If you insert MIOConsoleConnect (or any AU for that matter) and the DP plug-in window opens with no plug-
in UI, you do not have the mixer channel you are trying to use configured. All you need to do to get things
rolling is make sure that the output for the mixer strip is set to a valid, live output bundle.
Figure 18.4: When Things Go Wrong: Partially Instantiated AU
Where to Insert MIOConsoleConnect
In Digital Performer, you will need to decide if your MIO Console configuration should apply to the entire
session, or if you want it to change from sequence to sequence within the session. If you want it apply to the
entire session and use multiple sequences per session in DP, you will want to add the MIOConsoleConnect
plug-in in to the session’s V-Rack. If you only use one sequence per session, or if you want the MIO Config-
uration to be different in each sequence, you can insert the MIOConsoleConnect plug-in in each sequence,
and DP will switch the plug-in as it moves from sequence to sequence.
Where to Insert MIOConsoleConnect when using V-Rack (recommended)
Figure 18.5: MIOConsoleConnect Inserted in a V-Rack