Play position, 234 14.7. tracks overview – Metric Halo Mobile I/O User Manual
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Record Panel
algorithm for filling the play buffer so the behavior of this meter may appear somewhat erratic. If your disk is
too slow, this meter will increase towards 100%, and if it reaches 100% it means that the disk is not supplying
data fast enough and there will be glitches in the playback audio. This meter is only active during playback.
The next element is the Play position meter:
Figure 14.6: Play Position
When audio is playing back, this meter indicates the current playback position in the take. You can click in
this meter during playback to cue playback to a different location within the take.
The next element is the tracks overview:
Figure 14.7: Tracks Overview
The tracks overview shows all the tracks available for recording. Tracks are added to the tracks overview in
one of two ways:
• For 2d Expanded boxes: Only channels that have been assigned to FireWire returns (FW 01 — FW
18) will appear in the tracks overview. This allows you to control which tracks should be displayed; if
you have no interest in recording a track, just don’t assign it to FireWire. Note that channels that aren't
assigned to a FireWire channel are not available in any CoreAudio application.
• For Legacy Boxes: All input channels will automatically be displayed in the Record Panel because they
are all automatically assigned to FireWire.
For 2d Expanded boxes, the tracks appear in the same order that the FireWire assigns appear in the mixer, so
you can choose the track order by reordering the mixer strips in the 2d Mixer UI.
For legacy boxes, the tracks appear in the same order that they do in the Matrix and as inputs to the computer.
So, you have much more control over what appears in the RP when you have a 2d Expanded box. In addition
to the rules listed above for how tracks are added to the the tracks overview, there is a global preference
(controlled via the Recording Menu) that allows you to control whether tracks from offline boxes (that obviously