Measurement Computing eZ-TOMAS rev.11.0 User Manual

Page 9

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You can “mouse-clicks” on the gauges to:

Bring up the Limit Configuration Window.

Bring up the Input Channels Tab (on the Setup Configuration Window). This cannot be done

from circular phase gauges.

Drag limit-pointers on vertical gauges to new positions, thus setting new limit values.

Drag limit-lines on circular phase gauges to new positions, thus setting new values for the phase

angle limits.

Although the configuration windows and limits are discussed later, an explanation of how to access them
from the gauges directly follows.



Introduction 1-5

Vertical Gauges

Circular Phase Gauges

“Right-Click” on an active
limit-pointer to bring up the
Limit Configuration Window.

“Right-Click” elsewhere in a
vertical gauge to bring up the
Input Channels Tab [on the
Setup Configuration

“Left-Click and Hold” on a
limit-pointer to drag it to a
new position, thus setting a
new limit value.

“Right-Click” within the
confines of a circular
phase gauge to bring up
the Limit Configuration

“Left-Click and Hold” on a
limit-line to drag it to a
new position, i.e., a new
limit angle.