6 command buttons – LSC Lighting CLARITY LX Series v.1 User Manual
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LX Console Controls
Operator Manual
Page 57
and then when the button is released, they return to their previous value (via the Undo
Command Buttons
The 10 command buttons between the touch screen and the keypad are:
Highlight (lights RED when active) This is a toggle (on/off) action.
See section 21.8.9.
This is a toggle (on/off) action. See section 21.8.11
When pressed after the Record button it records a Preset. Also used to
apply a preset. For example, pressing Preset, 2, applies preset number 2 to the
selected fixture(s).
Updates a cue or preset using the current programmer values. See
section 21.8.8
When pressed after the Record button it records a Group. Used in
conjunction with a group number to select a group. For example, pressing Group, 2,
selects group 2.
When followed by a cue number it makes the current Playback go directly
to that cue number. Can be used in conjunction with the Time button. For example,
Goto x Time y Enter, will fade to cue x in y seconds.
Command Opens the command line window for command line programming. See
section 23 for details on command line programming. Can also be used to “build” a
string of commands that can be executed via the Enter button. See section 19.14.2 for
more details on Build mode.
When followed by a number (seconds) it enters times in the command
Opens the command line window with the command “Remainder” entered
for you. The “Remainder” command is used to so set the level of all unselected fixtures
that are currently grabbed in the programmer to a level that you specify. This is usually
used to dim out the unselected fixtures so that the selected fixture(s) can be easily
identified and focused. For example, turn on fixtures 1 through 10 at 80%. Now select
fixture 1 and press Rem, Off. Fixtures 2 through 10 turn off and fixture 1 is still
selected. To reverse the Remainder Dim command, use the programmer Undo button.
You can also specify a level for the Rem command. For example, turn on fixtures 1
through 10 at 80%. Now select fixture 2 and press Rem, @, 25. Fixtures 1 and 3
through 10 are set to 25%.
Clear Sel Clears all fixture selections in the current programmer. It lights red when
any fixtures are selected.
The 5 buttons to the right if the Intensity wheel are:
Copies the attribute values of the currently selected fixture or multiple
fixtures to the clipboard.
Pastes the attribute values of the clipboard to the currently selected
fixture or multiple fixtures.
Knocks out the selected fixtures from the programmer (either on its own
or as part of a command line string).
The Grab button has multiple functions:
Pressing Grab grabs all attributes that are active on the output of Clarity PLUS all the