1 latest features, 1 overview, 2 version 2.3 – LSC Lighting CLARITY LX Series v.1 User Manual
Page 11: 1 timeline, 2 merge, 3 osc control, 4 minor changes, 1 mark cues, 2 lx console channel capacity

Latest Features
Operator Manual
Page 1
1 Latest Features
Both LSC Lighting Systems (Aust) Pty. Ltd. and OpenClear Pty. Ltd. have a corporate policy of
continuous improvement covering areas such as product design and documentation. To achieve
this goal, we undertake to release software updates for all products on a regular basis. The latest
features to be added to this version of Clarity are listed below.
1.2 VERSION 2.3
Previous versions of Clarity included a simple timecode function allowing timecode information
received by Clarity to control the playback of cues at specific times. This allowed Clarity’s
playback to be perfectly synchronized with other elements of a production that are also locked
to the same Timecode. In version 2.3, this function has been replaced by a “Timeline” feature
that still synchronises playback to timecode but also allows you to synchronise playback to audio
tracks that are played by Clarity or to an internal timer. In addition it also allows simple drag and
drop editing of the playback events on the timeline. See section 33.
This allows you to selectively merge the programming from another show into your current show.
You can choose Fixtures, Groups, Presets, Cuelists, Playbacks and Rig Views. See section 30.4.
OSC Control
Clarity can now be controlled by an OSC client. See section 34.3.
Minor Changes Mark Cues
A new option regarding fixtures with no intensity has been added. See section25.6 LX Console Channel Capacity
The DMX channel capacity of LX consoles has increased. The new capacities are:
LX300 – 4096 Channels
LX600 – 8192 Channels
LX900 – 64,000 Channels