LSC Lighting CLARITY LX Series v.1 User Manual
Page 273

Operator Manual
Page 263
Effects, 104
Emulating a Console, 11, 13
Encoder wheel
push and turn, 47
Encoder Wheel Touch Screen, 45
Encoder Wheels and Buttons, 47
Ethernet, 31, 36, 40
Exclude redundant state, 164, 174, 241
Expanded, 75, 154
Exporting a Cue, 188
Exporting Shows, 199
Extended Playback Controls, 65
Extended Wing Controls, 23
External Inputs
LX300, 31
LX600, 37
LX900, 41
VX Wings, 27
Fade Curves, 100
Fade Profiles, 83
Fade Time, 162
Fader affects all attributes, 170
Fader Playbacks, 59
Fan, 249
Fan Centre, 48
Fan End, 48
Fanning, 154
Favourites, 120
Filtering Times, 100
Fixture Editor, 236
Parking, 152
Rename, 150
Renumber, 150
Flash, 246
Flip, 151
Follow, 162, 198
Free Mode, 28
Freesets, 121
Freesets Permutating, 121
Freesets Scaling, 122
Function Button, 60
Go on fader up, 170
Grab, 57, 147
Grab DMX, 150
Grand Master, 45
Graphical, 52
Group Masters, 22, 67
Groups, 119, 140
Select buttons, 68
Groups of.., 141
Halt, 162
HASP Diagnostics, 6
Help, 3, 231
Highlight, 57, 148
Hints, 245
Home, 47
HTP, 243
HTP intensities, 169
Icons, 144
Importing Shows, 199
Include tracked information from source cue,
Include unchanged information, 164, 174,
Inhibitive Master, 67
Installing Clarity on a Mac, 6
Installing Clarity on a PC, 4
Intensities, 54
Intensities Mode, 134
Buttons, 230
Desklamps, 230
Mini Screens, 230
Monitors, 230
Wing Desklamps, 28
Intensity Fade Out times, 97
Intensity Fade Profiles, 83
Intensity Levels, 197
Inverting/Swapping Attributes, 82
IPhone, 218
Jump, 172
Keyboard, 233
Keyboard Shortcuts, 76
Keypad and Command Centre, 55
Knock Out Remainder, 150
KO, 47
Learn new cue-list, 179
LED Matrix, 108
Levels Window, 195
Limiting Master, 67
Live Times, 128
Lock to tempo, 171, 193
Locking a Playback, 63
Logical, 154
Loop cue, 176
LTP, 243
LX Console Controls, 45
LX Tools, 230
LX300, 30
LX600, 35
LX900, 39
Macros, 178
Mark Cues, 175, 243
Mask, 193
Masking, 129
Masters, 67
Matrix, 108
Background, 113
Matrix Media, 111
Matrix Transforms, 111
Media, 115, 203
Media Server Thumbnails, 246
Media servers, 115
Cuelists, 202
Fixtures, 201
Groups, 202
Playbacks, 202
Presets, 202