4 multiple attribute dynamics, 1 stopping dynamics, 2 resync – LSC Lighting CLARITY LX Series v.1 User Manual
Page 117: 3 attribute control dynamics indicators
Operator Manual
Page 107
To control another attribute by dynamics click New.
The “Add New Effect” dialog box opens and you can select another attribute or multiple
attributes as described at the start of this section.
When multiple attributes are being controlled by dynamics you can select which attributes to
alter by touching them. Combinations of attributes can be selected by dragging.
Each selected attribute(s) can have its own waveform and modifiers selected.
For example, select the pan and tilt attributes of a fixture and set them to a sin waveshape
running at 15 cycles/min. Click on pan (only) select a different waveform and double the pan
speed to 30 cycles/min. You now have a figure of eight effect.
16.4.1 Stopping Dynamics
To remove the current dynamics from an attribute, select the attribute then select Stop.
16.4.2 Resync
Selecting Resync (Re-synchronize) forces all current attribute waveforms to the same starting
offset. Resync is useful if different waveforms are being used and you have adjusted the rate of
one of them, causing it to get out of sync. If you then set it back to the original rate it will
possibly still be out of sync with the other waveforms. Selecting Resync will restore the
synchronization of the waveforms.
16.4.3 Attribute Control Dynamics Indicators
In the Universal, Direct or in the Programmers Attribute tab, any grabbed attributes that are
currently being modulated by a Dynamic effect have a sine wave symbol on the left of their
Attribute Control.
In the Control Booth’s list of cues in a cuelist, in the activity column, when dynamics have been
applied, the characters showing the attribute groups (IPCB) are shown in italics.
Dynamics Indicator
Dynamics shown in