4 how to use the l-c-r and l-r + c switches, 1 how to achieve true l-c-r panning, 2 how to use the l-r + c switches – Cadac R-Type User Manual

Page 33: 5 how to use the stereo bus and its output, 6 how to assign outputs, 1 how to assign an output to a dc master, How to use the l-c-r and l-r + c switches -5, How to use the stereo bus and its output -5, How to assign outputs -5, 718 +rz#wr#xvh#wkh#6whuhr#exv#dqg#lwv#rxwsxw

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How to use the R-Type


Revision R2005-2


The sound image can then be designed using the pan-pots on selected input chan-

NOTE: If any of the sends 9 - 16 are set to PRE-fade, setting the “STEREO PAN TO
- GRPS 9 -12 or GRPS 13 - 16” switches will set the sends to post-fade.



Press the desired D/O matrix button 13-16 at the top of the input channel module

Adjust the level using the matrix O/P level pots on the output & matrix modules.

This arrangement gives you four additional busses for monitoring purposes or 2 addi-
tional stereo mixes for broadcast/recording/routing to an individual musician etc.

Alternatively Matrix-sends can be routed from the output & matrix module using the
matrix send level controls at the top of the output & matrix module.





Press the L-C-R button on the input channel

This will route the input signal to either to the L-C or R outputs on the L-C-R module,
depending on the setting of the PAN-pot.

Use the input channel PAN-pot to alter the sound image to meet your require-

Another way of achieving this is to route any number of input channels/groups of
input channels to one or more sub-groups and then control the L-C-R panning with
the sub-group PAN-pot.

NOTE: The L-C-R switch overrides the L-R+CEN selections.The stereo bus follows
the L-C-R pan pot.



Press the L-R switch to route the input signal to either the Left or Right output on
the L-C-R module, thus enabling L-R panning.

To insert the Centre channel, press the CEN-switch and adjust the level with the
associated pot.



To use the dedicated stereo bus and its output, press the Stereo button on the input
channel. This routes the signal to the Stereo output on the Listen module via the
module stereo master faders.





If you want to assign an output channel or a matrix output to a specific DC Master:

Press the DC button on the FCM