Cadac S-Type User Manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- 1 System overview
- 2 Connections and setup
- 3 How to use the S-Type
- 4 Mono input module 8411
- 4.1 Front panel - mono input channel module 8411
- 4.1.1 Oscillator
- 4.1.2 Input gain
- 4.1.3 -20dB pad
- 4.1.4 Phase reverse
- 4.1.5 48V Phantom power
- 4.1.6 Direct output select
- 4.1.7 Direct output level control
- 4.1.8 Sub-group routing
- Routing to matrix output
- 4.1.9 ST - Stereo
- 4.1.10 Pan
- 4.1.11 Pan control
- 4.1.12 PRE - pre/post Fader
- 4.1.13 ON - Auxiliary send On/Off
- 4.1.14 Auxiliary send level control
- 4.1.15 Stereo Auxiliary send 2 LEVEL and PAN control
- 4.1.16 Stereo Auxiliary send 1 LEVEL and PAN control
- 4.1.17 VCA GP - Assignment VCA Masters
- 4.1.18 HPF - High Pass Filter In/Out
- 4.1.19 EQ - EQ In/Out
- 4.1.20 EQ PRE - EQ PRE button
- 4.1.21 HF EQ Cut/Boost & Frequency control 1k5Hz-15kHz
- 4.1.22 HF Q-control
- 4.1.23 HMF EQ Cut/Boost & Frequency control 400Hz - 4kHz
- 4.1.24 HMF Q-control
- 4.1.25 LMF EQ Cut/Boost & Frequency control 60Hz - 600Hz
- 4.1.26 LMF Q-control
- 4.1.27 LF EQ Cut/Boost & Frequency control 20Hz - 200Hz
- 4.1.28 LF Q-control
- 4.1.29 INS - Insert In/Out
- 4.1.30 M - Mute
- 4.1.31 PFL
- 4.1.32 Meter
- 4.1.33 Fader
- 4.1.34 OPEN - Open fader LED
- 4.2 Rear panel - mono input channel module 8411
- 4.1 Front panel - mono input channel module 8411
- 5 Stereo input module 8412
- 5.1 Front panel stereo input module 8412
- 5.1.1 Input gain Left/Right
- 5.1.2 OSC - Oscillator
- 5.1.3 Mono
- 5.1.4 REV L - Phase reverse left channel
- 5.1.5 Input
- 5.1.6 PRE - Pre fader
- 5.1.7 Direct output level control
- 5.1.8 Sub-group routing
- Routing to matrix output
- 5.1.9 ST - Stereo
- 5.1.10 PAN
- 5.1.11 PAN control
- 5.1.12 PRE - Pre/post fader
- 5.1.13 ON - Auxiliary send On/Off
- 5.1.14 Auxiliary send level control
- 5.1.15 Stereo Auxiliary send 2 LEVEL and PAN control
- 5.1.16 Stereo Auxiliary send 1 LEVEL and PAN control
- 5.1.17 VCA GP - Assignment VCA Masters
- 5.1.18 HPF - High Pass Filter In/Out
- 5.1.19 EQ - EQ In/Out
- 5.1.20 EQ - EQ PRE button
- 5.1.21 HF EQ Cut/Boost & Frequency control 1k5Hz - 15kHz
- 5.1.22 HF Q-control
- 5.1.23 HMF EQ Cut/Boost & Frequency control 400Hz - 4kHz
- 5.1.24 HMF Q-control
- 5.1.25 LMF EQ Cut/Boost & Frequency control 60Hz - 600Hz
- 5.1.26 LMF Q-control
- 5.1.27 LF EQ Cut/Boost & Frequency control 20Hz - 200Hz
- 5.1.28 LF Q-control
- 5.1.29 Insert In/Out
- 5.1.30 Mute
- 5.1.31 PFL
- 5.1.32 Dual 12-segment level meter
- 5.1.33 Fader
- 5.1.34 Open fader LED
- 5.2 Rear panel stereo input channel module 8412
- 5.1 Front panel stereo input module 8412
- 6 Group, matrix and aux output - stereo 8413, mono 8415
- 6.1 Front panel group, matrix and aux output: Stereo 8413 - Mono 8415
- 6.1.1 Signal level meters
- 6.1.2 Auxiliary Master output level
- 6.1.3 PFL
- 6.1.4 Mute
- 6.1.5 Matrix Master level meter
- 6.1.6 Matrix Master level control
- 6.1.7 PFL
- 6.1.8 Insert
- 6.1.9 Mute
- 6.1.10 Matrix sends IN/OUT
- 6.1.11 Matrix 7 & 8 send level
- 6.1.12 Matrix 5 & 6 send level
- 6.1.13 Matrix 3 & 4 send level
- 6.1.14 Matrix 1 & 2 send level
- 6.1.15 ST - Sub group stereo
- 6.1.16 PAN control
- 6.1.17 Sub group level meter
- 6.1.18 Fader
- 6.1.19 PFL
- 6.1.20 Matrix Pre
- 6.1.21 Insert
- 6.1.22 Mute
- 6.1.23 M - VCA Master - Mute
- 6.1.24 VCA Master - Fader
- 6.2 Rear panel group, matrix and aux output: Stereo 8413 - Mono 8415
- 6.1 Front panel group, matrix and aux output: Stereo 8413 - Mono 8415
- 7 Stereo output, Comms, Osc and Talkback module 8414
- 7.1 Front panel Stereo output, Comms, Osc and Talkback module 8414
- 7.1.1 Talkback microphone input
- 7.1.2 Check mute
- 7.1.3 Mute All
- 7.1.4 48V IN/OUT
- 7.1.5 Talkback signal level
- 7.1.6 HP filter IN/OUT
- 7.1.7 Talkback AUX select
- 7.1.8 Talkback group select
- 7.1.9 Mute
- 7.1.10 Talkback activate
- 7.1.11 Littlites ON/OFF
- 7.1.12 Littlite brightness
- 7.1.13 Oscillator line-up tone 10kHz
- 7.1.14 Oscillator line-up tone 1kHz
- 7.1.15 Oscillator line-up tone 100Hz
- 7.1.16 Oscillator line-up signal level
- 7.1.17 Channels
- 7.1.18 Groups
- 7.1.19 Listen output level meter
- 7.1.20 Listen output signal level
- 7.1.21 Hold
- 7.1.22 Clear
- 7.1.23 Mute
- 7.1.24 Headphones Mute
- 7.1.25 Headphones output signal level
- 7.1.26 Right channel to matrix output 8
- 7.1.27 Sum L+R to matrix output 7+8
- 7.1.28 Left channel to matrix output 7
- 7.1.29 Right channel to matrix output 6
- 7.1.30 Sum L+R to matrix output 5+6
- 7.1.31 Left channel to matrix output 5
- 7.1.32 Right channel to matrix output 4
- 7.1.33 Sum L+R to matrix output 3+4
- 7.1.34 Left channel to matrix output 3
- 7.1.35 Right channel to matrix output 2
- 7.1.36 Sum L+R to matrix output 1+2
- 7.1.37 Left channel to matrix output 1
- 7.1.38 Output level to matrix 7+8
- 7.1.39 Output level to matrix 5+6
- 7.1.40 Output level to matrix 3+4
- 7.1.41 Output level to matrix 1+2
- 7.1.42 External input
- 7.1.43 External input level control
- 7.1.44 12-segment output level meter
- 7.1.45 Fader
- 7.1.46 PFL
- 7.1.47 Matrix Pre
- 7.1.48 Insert
- 7.1.49 Mute
- 7.2 Rear panel Stereo output, Comms, Osc and Talkback module 8414
- 7.1 Front panel Stereo output, Comms, Osc and Talkback module 8414
- Appendices
- Index
- Technical specifications
- Glossary