Glossary, Orvvdu – Cadac R-Type User Manual

Page 119

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Revision R2005-2





A & B Listen buttons

A and B listen buttons are located near the bot-
tom of the 8251-3 Outputs & Matrix module.
Pressing either or both allows monitoring of A or
B or A + B signals.


The odd numbered mix group on a group mod-
ule (ex. 8257-3). When working in stereo, the left
channel is reproduced by channel A and the
right channel by channel B.

Access keys

Located on the Central Control Module (CCM),
10 keys provide access to the System setup and
the CCM memory locations.

ADDITIVE function

When the FCM’s PFL/LISTEN HOLD is acti-
vated, an additive function is provided in that
every new PFL or Listen signal is mixed with the
previous one.

add-on card

E.g. a card that increases the total possible
number of memory locations in a CCM from 128
to 256.

AFL send

AFL is an abbreviation of After Fader Listen. In
this mode the signal level being monitored fol-
lows the fader position.

arrow buttons

Buttons on the CCM that are used to navigate
the menus.


The process of, for example, allocating a Master
fader to control a number of input channels. The
input channels can then be said to be assigned
to that specific Master fader.

assignable LED meter

LED-meter that measure the signal level of more
than one source.



assign above.



assign above.

Assignment buttons

Buttons that need to be pressed to assign input
channel faders to a DC Master fader or a Mute
group. The assignments buttons include the
numerical buttons (1 - 16), SET, DC and MG,
located on the FCM and the channel modules.

assignment panel

Panel on which the Mute Group and DC Master
assignment buttons are located (see Fader Con-
trol Module).

automation software

Software designed to record and replay any pro-
grammable functions on the console.

aux group

A mixing group for signals that are not part of
the main audio outputs on a console.

aux output

Level controlled output of the resulting mixed
signals of the auxiliary mixing group.