Avery Dennison Sierra Sport2 9460 RCL Commands Programmer Manual User Manual

Page 35

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Command Reference 3-5

word_length 8 8 bits (use only for N parity)

7 7 bits (use only for E parity)

flow_control X XON/XOFF

If you change the flow control from DTR to

XON/XOFF, the printer sends an XON character after

it reconfigures the serial port.

If the flow control parameters for the host and printer do not match,
and you try downloading data streams to the printer, they will work, but
eventually you will receive an overrun error.



This command configures the printer for 9600 baud, no parity, an 8-bit
word length, and XON/XOFF flow control.

C l e a r E r r o r S t a t u s ( ^ C )

The Clear Error Status command clears batch errors from memory. In
general, batch errors involve software problems (e.g., invalid
commands or bad data). Correct the error, send this command (or
press the left-hand A key) and continue operation.

System errors involve hardware or operation problems (e.g., low
battery, out of paper). The printer clears system errors automatically
when you correct the condition.

See "Status Flags" and "Clearing Status Bits" in Chapter 4, “Response
Reference” for more information.



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