Ower, Ubsystem – AMETEK PLA-PLW Programming Manual User Manual
Page 33

This subsystem programs the CP (constant-power mode) function of a single electronic load.
[SOURce:]POWer[:LEVel][:IMMediate], PSET
Channel-Specific Power Command/Query. This is an implied keyword that specifies the value of
the programmed power level and whether that level is to be applied immediately or on occurrence of a
trigger. If the specified channel is in the CP (Constant-Power) Mode, an IMMediate power level is
transferred to the input as soon as the command is executed. A TRIGgered level is stored and then
transferred to the electronic load input when a trigger occurs. At that time, the change to the input
level occurs at the slew time presently in effect. Following the trigger event, subsequent triggers will
not affect the input level unless the electronic load has been sent another TRIGgered level command.
If the electronic load is not in the CP (Constant-ower) Mode when an IMMediate or TRIGgered level
command is sent, the programmed levels are saved for the time the electronic load is placed in the
CP mode. Triggered levels are processed by the Power Subsystem even when the electronic load is
not in the CP Mode. In this case, the TRIGgered level becomes a stored IMMediate level that takes
effect when the electronic load is again in the CP Mode.
Until they are explicitly programmed, triggered levels will assume their corresponding immediate
levels. For example, if a electronic load is powered up and POW is programmed to 10, then
POW:TRIG will also be 10 until you program it to another value. Once you program POW:TRIG to a
value, it will remain at that regardless of how you subsequently reprogram POW. Then, when the
trigger occurs, the POW is set to the POW:TRIG value.
Note : Setting an IMM power level to the same value as the most recent TRIG power level will not
deactivate a pending TRIG level. You must use ABORt to deactivate it.
Specify the input power level for the Power mode.
Ϯ On
a TRIG[:IMM] command (always)
Ϯ On
receipt of an external trigger signal (if TRIG:SOUR is set to EXTernal)
Ϯ On
receipt of a GPIB
Ϯ On
receipt of an Ethernet trigger signal (if TRIG:SOUR is set to ETHernet)
Ϯ On
receipt of *TRG (unless TRIG:SOUR is set to HOLD)
Command Syntax
Power level, refer to model specifications for range | MIN | MAX
Status and Errors
TRIGgered level commands affect the WTG bit in the Operation
Condition register and the OPC bit of the Standard Event Status Event
Query Syntax
POWer:TRIGgered? MIN
POWer:TRIGgered? MAX