AMETEK PLA-PLW Programming Manual User Manual
Page 13

Operation Complete Output Query. This query causes the electronic load to place an ASCII "1" in
the Output Queue when all pending operations are completed. Pending operations are complete
Ϯ All
commands that were issued before an *OPC command have been executed.
Ϯ Any
change in the input level caused by these previous commands has been
completed. (Effects of slew time have been accounted for.)
Ϯ No pending trigger level operations are set for the single electronic load or for any
channel of the multiple electronic load.
Unlike *OPC, *OPC? prevents processing of all subsequent commands. When all pending operations
are completed, an ASCII "1" is placed in the Output Queue. *OPC? is intended to be used at the end
of a command line so that the program can then monitor the bus for data until it receives the "1" from
the Output Queue.
Command Syntax
Returned Parameters
has completed all pending operations.
Power-on Status Clear Command/Query. Type Device Initialization Description This command
controls the automatic clearing at power turn-on of:
Ϯ The
Service Request Enable register.
Ϯ The
Standard Event Status Enable register.
If the command parameter = 0, then the electronic load can be programmed to request service at turn
on. Any non-zero parameter causes both registers to be cleared at turn on, preventing the electronic
load from being capable of requesting service at this time.
Command Syntax
0 or not zero
Query Syntax
Returned Parameters
0 = power-on clear flag is false; affected registers not cleared
at turn on.
power-on clear flag is true; affected registers cleared at
turn on.
Recall Instrument State Command. This command restores the electronic load to a state that was
previously stored in memory with a *SAV command to the specified location (see *SAV). *RCL also
does the following:
At power turn-on, the equivalent of an *RCL 0 is executed to restore the electronic load to the state
stored in location 0. The same state is also set if the *RCL command is directed to a location where
no state was stored since the last time power was cycled.
Note *RCL does not affect any Status Enable registers or Transition Filters.
Command Syntax
0 through 3