Dialogic 6.2 User Manual
Page 99

Parsed Command Information
November 2009
First is the facility value in parentheses followed by the name of the
facility (01 and ADMIN). Next is the command verb value followed by
the name of the command verb (08 and EVENT). Last is the command
specifier value followed by the name of the command specifier (03
The example command contains 2 tags directly within it. Looking at
the first one, the line describing a tag starts with the tag ID value
and tag name (79 and CURRENT_STREAM). Next, in brackets, is the
tag type value (01) and its meaning (fixed unsigned short unitless).
At the end of the tag it either says LIST: if the type is a list, give the
value of the tag if it is a simple integer value (0000 in this case), give
a string value if it is an array of chars, or give a list of numbers if it is
an array of other integers.