Receiving and storing a fax in mmr or mr format – Dialogic 6.2 User Manual

Page 78

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Developing a Fax Application

November 2009


Receiving and Storing a Fax in MMR or
MR Format

Receiving an Infopkt-Formatted Fax and Storing it in MMR Format

A typical way to receive a fax that is made up of infopkts and store it

in MMR format is demonstrated below. Each function is presented in

sequential order, and the action it performs is described beneath it.

When MR or MMR facsimiles are received in infopkt format, the

data format type specification is automatically included through the

infopkt structure. Retransmission of these infopkt files

is done the same way transmission of MH files is done (see Sending a

Fax Using Low-Level Infopkt Function Calls on page 66 for detailed


The application controls the format of images received from the

channel; this format is independent of the format of data received by

the channel.


args_admin.unit = unit;

lp = BfvLineAttach(&args_admin);

Attaches to a free channel and gets a line pointer.

args_admin.config_file_name = "usrcnfig.cfg";


Resets the channel and sets the user-configured options selected in

the user-defined configuration file named usrcnfig.cfg.


args_infopkt.fname = name;

args_infopkt.fmode = "w";

ips = BfvInfopktOpen(&args_infopkt);

Opens the infopkt-formatted file called name to store the received



args_tel.timeout = 0L;

BfvLineWaitForCall (lp, &args_tel);

Waits without a timeout for an incoming call.

BfvLineAnswer (lp, &args_tel);

Takes the line off-hook and sets the line state to CONNECTED.