Updating an existing prompt file, Developing a fax application, Sending and receiving a fax – Dialogic 6.2 User Manual

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Developing a Fax Application

November 2009


Updating an Existing Prompt File

To update an existing Brooktrout prompt file, at the command line


mkprompt -u phrase_num prompt_file phrase.pkt:


The mkprompt utility opens the existing Brooktrout prompt file and

append the new phrase if the phrase number you specify is new or

replace the old phrase whose phrase number matches the phrase

number you specify.

Developing a Fax Application

Sending and Receiving a Fax

The following are the step-by-step instructions for transmitting and

receiving a fax:


How to create an infopkt stream using the mkinfopk utility.


How to send a fax (an infopkt stream file) from one channel to

another channel in your system.


How to send a fax from an external fax machine to one channel

in your system. This same fax is then transmitted back to the

same fax machine from the same channel in your system.


Specifies the update command.


Provides the index number to assign the

infopkt-formatted input file.


Provides the name of the prompt file.


Provides the name of the infopkt-formatted prompt

file to add to the prompt file.