Dialogic 6.2 User Manual

Page 113

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BSMI Debugging

November 2009


1. Click Settings|Options. The Tracing Options dialog is


Set where the trace output is saved, either screen or file. The

maximum file size is set in MBytes. Once a file reaches its

maximum size, the tracing output loops back to the beginning of

the file. The user always has the number of MBytes of

information entered.
You can change these options any time during execution (while

tracing or before connecting to a module).

2. Click OK to save your tracing options.

Connecting to a Module


Use the File menu to connect to a module:

1. Click File, Connect to Module or click on the button


connect to the module. The VTTY Tracer dialog is displayed.

2. Choose an available module from the drop down box. The Select

a module to connect to drop down box contains a list of all

modules available on the system that are traced.