Dialogic 6.2 User Manual
Page 386

November 2009
The Brooktrout merge modules consist of:
dynamic_dlls.msm (independent module)
dynamic_dlls_x64.msm (independent modules)
configdata.msm (independent module)
firmware.msm (independent module)
configtool.msm (module with dependencies)
softwarelicense.msm (independent module)
utilities.msm (module with dependencies)
bostsrv.msm (module with dependencies)
TECUpdate.msn (independent module)
You can only install the independent modules as individual features
that do not require any other component or feature. The modules
with dependencies require the dynamic_dlls.msm, configdata.msm,
and firmware.msm modules.
for guidance, perform the following
steps to integrate a merge module into your install project:
1. Create a feature or features for the merge module.
2. Associate the merge module with the feature.
3. Set the install location for the merge module.
This step is mandatory for all merge modules except bostsrv.msm.
4. To install the Boston Host Service (bostsrv.msm) merge module,
create BTCALLLOCATION and FIRMWARE location properties.
5. Create custom actions to set these properties to appropriate
Perform these custom actions after you select the destination
If you do not install the files contained in the
dynamic_dlls.msm module in the same location as your
application, you must add the destination location of the
files installed by dynamic_dlls.msm to the Path system
environment variable. Failure to set this system
environment variable prevents your application from