Dialogic 6.2 User Manual
Page 95

Dump History
November 2009
Normally all history is collected in a single main history buffer
accessible as module 1 channel 1. During driver configuration, you
can choose a number of physical history buffers and application
history buffers. If these are non-zero, additional history buffers are
created, and appropriate items are logged in those buffers rather
than the main log.
Under almost all conditions, the history should be configured for 0
physical histories and 0 application histories, and the only
module/channel combination which should be dumped is module 1
and channel 1.
Dump History (dh) is supplied with the device driver and resides in
The information provided by Dump History is very useful to Dialogic
Technical Services and Support in identifying and solving problems.
module 0
The most recent application corresponding
to channel as an ordinal unit.
module FE
The fixed application history corresponding
to channel as index.