Status header line, Event logging lines, Event logging line format – Dialogic 6.2 User Manual

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Dump History

November 2009


14:02:20.52.00008291 "M2: Queued incoming packet"

Pkt bytes: 17 00 24 02 02 FE 01 01 01 02 01 0C 00 08 03 04

79 01 00 00 04 09 01 00 00


(79) CURRENT_STREAM [01: Fix Uns Short Unitless] 0000

(09) DOWNLOAD_RESULT [01: Fix Uns Short Unitless] 0000

14:02:20.52.00008292 "PIPR: GDI_PHY_PIPR_MsgSend"

14:02:20.52.00008293 "PIPR: fnPIPR_MsgSend BufID = 51A s(01 01 02 01) d(02 02

FE 01) NQ = 0 HQ = 0"

14:02:20.52.00008294 "PIPR: Dispatch (GDI_SIG_MSGPEND): Wakeup SlpHd = 88"

14:02:20.52.00008295 "PIPR: GDI_PHY_PIPR_MsgSend exit"

14:02:20.52.00008296 "PCI - Checking for packets to send"

14:02:20.52.00008297 "PIPR: GDI_APL_PIPR_MsgReceiveWait (02 02 FE 01) Awake

SlpHd = 88 Rt = GDI_STS_OK"

14:02:20.52.00008298 "PIPR: GDI_APL_PIPR_MsgReceive (02 02 FE 01)"

14:02:20.52.00008299 "PIPR: fnGenericPIPR_MsgReceive (02 02 FE 01) NQ = 1 HQ = 0"

14:02:20.52.0000829A "PIPR: fnGenericPIPR_MsgReceive BufID = 51A (02 02 FE 01)

exit: norml msg"

14:02:20.52.0000829B "PIPR: GDI_APL_PIPR_MsgReceive (02 02 FE 01)

exit: GDI_STS_OK"

14:02:20.52.0000829C "PIPR: GDI_APL_PIPR_MsgReceiveWait exit: GDI_STS_OK"

14:02:20.52.0000829D "UTL: GDI_UTL_BufferFree BufID = 51A"

14:02:20.52.0000829E Ioctl ret #B0A

14:02:20.53.0000829F Ioctl MILL_SESSION_DESTROY #B0B

Status Header Line

Lists the module and channel number, the date and time the history

was dumped, the platform name, the driver version, build number,

PIPR version number (internal version), and ioctl interface version

number (internal communication mechanism).

Event Logging Lines

Contain information about each packet being sent or received and

other interactions taking place within the driver and between the

driver and its applications.

Event Logging Line Format

The event logging lines report the time the event occurred and

describe the particular event.