Advantages of using bfms and monitors, Implementation of bfms – Altera Avalon Verification IP Suite User Manual
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May 2011
Altera Corporation
Avalon Verification IP Suite User Guide
Section I. Introduction to Avalon
Verification IP Suite
The Avalon
Verification IP Suite provides bus functional models (BFMs) to simulate
the behavior and to facilitate the verification of IP that includes the following
interfaces and components:
Avalon Memory-Mapped (Avalon-MM) master and slave interfaces
Avalon Streaming (Avalon-ST) source and sink interfaces
Conduit interfaces and Avalon Tri-State conduit (Avalon-TC) interfaces
Clock source and reset source
Interrupt source and sink
Custom instruction master and slave
External memory
This suite also provides the following monitors to verify the respective Avalon
Avalon-MM monitor
Avalon-ST monitor
Advantages of Using BFMs and Monitors
Using the Altera-provided BFMs and monitors has the following advantages:
It accelerates the verification process by providing key components of the
verification testbench.
It provides Avalon BFM components that implement the standard Avalon-MM
and Avalon-ST protocols, serving as a reference for those protocols.
For SystemVerilog users, it provides a platform that you can use to implement
constraint-driven randomized tests, including traffic scenario drivers, scoreboard
and coverage facilities, and assertion checkers.
Implementation of BFMs
The Avalon Verification IP Suite BFMs (excluding Clock Source and Reset Source
BFMs that are written in VHDL) are implemented in SystemVerilog. The BFM
components use primarily Verilog HDL with a few basic SystemVerilog constructs
that are supported by ModelSim
-Altera Edition (AE). The monitor components use
the SystemVerilog Assertion (SVA) language and are supported only by simulators
that support SVA, including: Modelsim-Altera Starter Edition (ASE), Synopsys VCS,
and Mentor Graphics