Integrate the i/o buffer modules with the, Table 4–35 – Altera ALTDLL User Manual
Page 91

Chapter 4: Functional Description
Design Example: Implementing Half-Rate DDR2 Interface in Stratix III
ALTDLL and ALTDQ_DQS Megafunctions User Guide
© February 2012
Altera Corporation
5. On the Dynamic Delay Chains page, specify the parameters as shown in
6. Click Finish. The I/O buffer module
(dqs_iobuf_inst.v/output_dq_iobuf_inst.v/bidir_dq_iobuf_inst.v) is generated.
7. On the File menu, click Save.
Integrate the I/O Buffer Modules with the ALTDQ_DQS modules
To integrate the I/O buffer modules with the ALTDQ_DQS modules, perform the
following steps:
1. Open the test_dq_dqs.bdf file in the Quartus II Block Editor software.
2. To insert the I/O buffer modules, double-click on the Block Editor window. The
Symbol window appears.
3. Under Name, browse to the I/O buffer dqs_iobuf_inst.bsf file.
4. Click OK. The I/O buffer module is inserted into the Block Editor window.
Table 4–35. ALTIOBUF General Settings
1 bidirectional buffer for
the differential DQS pins
1 output buffer for
the output DQ pins
8 bidirectional buffers for
the bidirectional DQ pins
Currently selected device family
Stratix III
Stratix III
Stratix III
How do you want to configure this
As bidirectional buffer
As output buffer
As bidirectional buffer
What is the number of buffers to be
Use bus hold circuitry
Turned off
Turned off
Turned off
Use differential mode
Turned on
Turned off
Turned off
Use open drain output
Turned off
Turned off
Turned off
Use output enable port
Turned off
Turned on
Turned on
Use dynamic termination control
Turned off
Turned off
Turned off
Use series and parallel termination
Turned off
Turned off
Turned off
Table 4–36. ALTIOBUF Dynamic Delay Chain Settings
1 bidirectional buffer for
the differential DQS pins
1 output buffer for
the output DQ pins
8 bidirectional buffers for
the bidirectional DQ pins
Enable input buffer dynamic delay chain Turned off
Turned off
Turned off
Enable output buffer dynamic delay
chain 1
Turned off
Turned off
Turned off
Enable output buffer dynamic delay
chain 2
Turned off
Turned off
Turned off
Create a ‘clkena’ port
Turned off
Turned off
Turned off