2 overview, 1 unit structure, 1 unit features – Pilz PMCprimo DriveP.06/AA0/4/0/0/208-480VAC User Manual
Page 7: Section 2, Overview, Unit structure, Unit features, 2overview
Operating Manual PMCprotego S22(C)
Unit structure
The safety card PMCprotego S22(C) is an expansion of the servo amplifier PMCprot
ego D. It is used for safe motion monitoring, which is achieved in conjunction with the
standard motor encoder and servo amplifier. In the event of an error, the servo amplifier's
power element shuts down the power quickly and safely.
Unit features
The safety card has the following features:
2 singlepole digital inputs to activate the safety function Safe Stop 1 (SS1) in accordance
with EN 6180052 (fixed assignment):
Safety function Safe Stop 1 (SS1)
Input to reset the safety card after an error
7 singlepole digital inputs, which can be assigned the following safety functions in accord
ance with EN 6180052 in the safety card's Configurator:
Safe Stop 2 (SS2)
Safe Operating Stop (SOS)
Safe Speed Range (SSR)
Safely Limited Speed (SLS)
Safe Direction (SDI)
Safely Limited Increment (SLI)
2 singlepole digital outputs with fixed function:
Safe Torque Off (STO)
Safety card ready (Ready)
4 singlepole digital outputs, which can be freely assigned the status of safety functions.
Supply voltage
24 VDC for digital outputs
LEDs for
Supply voltage (POWER)
System status (RUN)
Download of configuration data (CONFIG)
Fault or drive torquefree (STO)
C type:
PMCprotego S22C: Coated circuit board
- PMCprimo DriveP.24/ABB/4/0/0/208-480VAC PMCprimo DriveP.06/AB0/2/0/0/208-480VAC PMCprimo DriveP.06/AB0/3/0/0/208-480VAC PMCprimo DriveP.24/AA0/5/0/0/208-480VAC PMCprotego D.06/000/0/0/2/208-480VAC PMCprotego D.24/000/0/0/2/208-480VAC PMCprotego D.06/010/0/0/2/208-480VAC PMCprotego D.06/100/0/0/2/208-480VAC PMCprotego D.06/200/0/0/2/208-480VAC PMCprotego D.24/200/0/0/2/208-480VAC PMCprotego D.24/100/0/0/2/208-480VAC PMCprotego D.24/010/0/0/2/208-480VAC PMCprotego S2-2 PMCprotego S2-2-C