8 safely limited increment - sli, Safely limited increment sli – Pilz PMCprimo DriveP.06/AA0/4/0/0/208-480VAC User Manual
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Function description
Operating Manual PMCprotego S22(C)
Safely Limited Increment SLI
The safety function "Safely Limited Increment" (SLI) monitors the movement of the drive for
compliance with a defined increment.
Input and output assignment in the Configurator:
Inputs I0 ... I6
SLI Activate
Outputs O0 … O3
SRA Safe Range Acknowledge
SSA Safe Standstill Acknowledge
Prerequisites for normal operation:
Input "SS1 Activate" and "Reset": "1" Signal (+24 VDC)
"Ready" output: "1" Signal (+24 VDC). The safety card is ready for operation.
"STO Acknowledge" output: “0” Signal
Input "SLI Activate": "1" signal (+24 VDC)
The safety function is activated via
1/0 pulse edge at the input "SLI Activate".
SLI delay time starts
Once the SLI delay time has elapsed, the safe increment and the safely limited speed
are monitored. The current position of the motor is recorded and the motor is monitored
for compliance with the maximum increment.
Increment and speed within permitted limits:
Output "SRA Safe Range Acknowledge": "1" signal
If an increment or the speed is exceeded, the safety function SS1 (ESTOP braking
ramp) is activated.
Check standstill
In the Configurator you can define whether the motor must be at standstill at the
time that SLI is activated or whether it may be in motion. A limit value may be spe
cified for detecting standstill.
Safety function SS1 (ESTOP braking ramp) is activated if the limit value is ex
Automatic activation after standstill
Monitoring of the next increment starts automatically if the drive is below the limit
value for standstill.
Between two monitored increments, standstill can be monitored for a specified
standstill time. While this monitoring function is carried out, the output "SSA Safe
Standstill Acknowledge" = "1".
A tolerance window may be specified for standstill monitoring. If the value is ex
ceeded, safety function SS1 (ESTOP braking ramp) is activated.
- PMCprimo DriveP.24/ABB/4/0/0/208-480VAC PMCprimo DriveP.06/AB0/2/0/0/208-480VAC PMCprimo DriveP.06/AB0/3/0/0/208-480VAC PMCprimo DriveP.24/AA0/5/0/0/208-480VAC PMCprotego D.06/000/0/0/2/208-480VAC PMCprotego D.24/000/0/0/2/208-480VAC PMCprotego D.06/010/0/0/2/208-480VAC PMCprotego D.06/100/0/0/2/208-480VAC PMCprotego D.06/200/0/0/2/208-480VAC PMCprotego D.24/200/0/0/2/208-480VAC PMCprotego D.24/100/0/0/2/208-480VAC PMCprotego D.24/010/0/0/2/208-480VAC PMCprotego S2-2 PMCprotego S2-2-C