HITEC Eclipse 7 Pro User Manual
Page 36

Simple Transmitter Setup – Aerobatic Airplane (ACRO)
by flipping a switch - if you need them to be on all the
time, you must not touch that switch. The elevator
dual-rate switch in its down position turns on mixers (if
they’ve been activated). The method to be used to program
mixers is given for Mixer #1, but the other mixers
may be programmed in an identical fashion. You can use
both PMXs to create a custom dual elevator function,
where you use two servos for your elevator control, one
for each side, the second plugged into an unused
receiver channel and mixed from elevator (if you do this,
you must be careful to keep the mixer on at all times).
Or you may also use the mixers for correcting unwanted
flying tendencies, like automatically applying a bit of
rudder with throttle to account for torque/P-factor effects,
to a corrective elevator motion during knife-edge flight to
correct for an undesired tucking tendency (the latter is
described in the ACRO model setup section and below).
Using the Programmable mixers
1. Call up the mixer screen
by repeatedly pressing one
of the Edit Up Down keys
until a PMX window
appears. The default is for
the function to be inhibited. To
activate, press the
Active/Inhibit (Clear) key. This will cause the INH display
to change to a display showing 100%, Master and
Slave indicators, and a flashing ON or OFF depending on
the position of the mixer’s on-off switch.
2. Now you’ll select the
Master channel for the
mixing, the channel that
causes the mixing to occur.
Press the Cursor Right key
twice to get the master channel
(MAS will be appear),
then press the Data +Increase or -Decrease keys to
move the number of the desired master channel, 1 - 7.
3. Next you’ll put in the Slave channel, the one that is
affected by motion of the master channel. Press the
Cursor Right key to get slave channel ( SLV will be appear),
then press the Data +Increase or
-Decrease keys to move the number of the desired slave
4. And you can call up Trim On
menu by pressed Cursor Right
key. In Trim On, if you change
master channel trim value, slave
channel value will be changed
based on P.MIX value.
5. Now we’ll input the mixing percentage, which tells how
much the slave channel responds to the master channel.
Press the Cursor Right key three times to cause the per-
cent(%) sign
to the right of the large number to flash on and off.
Note that you can set the percentage for the mixer on
each side of the master channel’s control’s motion by
moving the master channel’s control back and forth.
REV - Servo Reversing
The servo reverse function may be used when you need
to change the direction that a servo responds to a control
stick motion. When you use this function, BE SURE THAT
If you are using any preprogrammed mixers such as
flaperon, be sure to set correct travels in the REV menu
setting up the preprogrammed function.Reversing Servos
1. Get to the REV screen with
the Edit Up Down keys.
2. Use the Data +Increase
or -Decrease key to select
the channel you wish to
reverse. The active channel
number will flash.
3. Toggle between normal (N) and reverse (R) with the
Active/Inhibit (Clear) key. In the normal travel, highlighted NOR
sign will appear in the display, while the reversed travel , high-
lighted REV sign will appear in the display (the Figures shows
1 channel reversed).
4. Repeat this procedure for each channel needing to
be reversed.
5. Return to the regular operating mode by pressing the
two Edit Up Down keys simultaneously.
T.CUT - Throttle Cut (Engine Shut off) Function
The Throttle Cut function provides you an easy way to
stop the engine by simply pressing a button with the
throttle stick at idle, which commands the throttle servo to
move a prescribed amount. The throttle servo moves to
the selected cut position when the Cut button is pressed
and the throttle stick is below 50%. Above 50% throttle,
the cut button has no effect. The activation direction may
be chosen by the owner.
Setting up the Throttle Cut function
1. Get to the T.CUT screen with the Edit Up Down keys.
2. Place the throttle at its idle position (towards bottom
of transmitter). Use the Data -Decrease key to select the
amount of motion of the throttle servo you wish - normally
you want to completely
close the carburetor, but be
careful not to choose too
much travel which will stall
the servo. You may see the
servo move when you press the
Active/Inhibit (Clear)
button. A maximum of 72% may be chosen, but only use
the amount you need to fully close the carburetor without
stalling the servo.
3. Return to the regular operating mode by pressing the
two Edit Up Down keys simultaneously
PMX1 to PMX5 - Programmable Mixes 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5
Your Eclipse 7 PRO system contains FIVE separate program-
mixers (PMX1 - PMX5) with unique capabilities.
You may use mixing to correct unwanted tendencies of
the aircraft during aerobatics. Each one of these mixers
may be programmed to do things that are not built-in
programs. This makes them useful for all sorts of
different things. Note that the mixers must be turned on