HITEC Eclipse 7 Pro User Manual

Page 26

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ACRO Functions Map

Simple Aerobatic Airplane Transmitter Setup

EPA End Point Adjust (servo travels)

D/R Dual Rates

EXP Exponential Settings

FLT.C Flight Condition Select

S.TRM Subtrim

REV Servo Reverse

T.CUT Throttle Cut (engine shut off)

PMX1-5 Programmable Mixer #1 - #5 (five total)

LAND Landing function settings

FLPT Flap trim

E->F Elevator Flap mixing

A->R Rudder Coupling

ELVN Elevon mixing (tailless models)

VTAL V-tail mixing

FLPN Flaperon (combined flaps & ailerons)

AILV Ailevator (2Elevon Aileron mixing)

MX.SS Mix Switch Select

Aircraft Trimming Chart

End Point Adjust ( EPA )

Dual Rates ( D/R )

Exponential Settings ( EXP )

Flight Condition Select ( FLT.C )

Subtrim ( S.TRM )

Servo Reverse ( REV )

Throttle Cut ( T.CUT )

Programmable Mixer #1 - #5 ( PMX- )

Landing function settings ( LAND )

Flap trim ( FLPT )

Elevator Flap mix ( E->F )

Rudder Coupling ( A->R )

Elevon mix ( ELVN )

V-tail mix ( VTAL )

Flaperon mix ( FLPN )

Ailevator mix ( AILV )

Mix Switch Select ( MX.SS )



The aircraft setup procedure presented below uses an

aerobatic model as an example and assumes that there

are two aileron servos, one in each wing. You can use a

similar procedure to set up your own model; your setting’s

numbers and percentages will probably be different.

If your model only has one aileron servo, skip the instructions

referring to flaperon.

1. Be sure that all of your servos are plugged into the

proper receiver channels:

CH1 – Right aileron CH4 – Rudder CH7 – Optional

CH2 – Elevator (Left Elevator) (Right Elevator)

CH3 – Throttle CH5 – Gear CH6 – Left aileron

2. We recommend that you do this programming exercise

with the servos installed in the model and connected to

the respective control surfaces. This will enable you to

immediately see the effect of each programming step.

3. Turn on your transmitter while holding down the two

Edit keys (the two keys on the far left). This gets you into

the model select (M.SEL) menu. Press the Cursor Right

button to move to a new model memory. The selected

model memory you select is indicated by the little flashing

arrow pointing down. Memory #2 is shown here.

4. Press the Up arrow until the word ACRO appears,

flashing on and off. If it does, you’re ready to proceed

on to the next step. If not, press the Left or Right

Cursor keys until it appears. You must press both Data

keys to “Save” the setting, after which the radio will beep

twice. This is how you select the type of model you wish

to use, either ACRO, HELI, or GLID.

5. WARNING: selecting a different model type will erase

the settings in the model memory. BE SURE you’re in the

correct model memory before selecting a new model type,

or you might accidentally erase a model you’re using. (The

other memories will not be affected.)

6. Press the Down arrow once. This gets you into the

model name mode (note the words “MODEL” and

“NAME” in the upper left of the display).

7. Now you can select four letters to identify your model.

With the first of the four letters flashing, press the Data

+Increase or -Decrease key to change the letter that is

displayed. Stop when the first letter is the one you want.

8. Press the Right Cursor key once to get to the second

letter. Repeat the previous step to choose the second


9. Repeat two more times to fill out the remaining two

letters. If you like, you can hit the right cursor button one

more time and select a number between 0 and 999 for


Simple Transmitter Setup – Aerobatic Airplane (ACRO)

This section describes the menu functions for fixed-wing aircraft, provides a detailed setup example, and then describes the

functions individually. Functions relating specifically to gliders and helicopters may be found in the following sections.

The following pages will take you step-by-step through the setup process for a sport or aerobatic airplane in the ACRO menu.

Going through this complete section will help you learn how to use your system quickly and easily. If you need to set up a

helicopter or glider, please refer to the quick setup instructions in the helicopter and glider sections.

Voltage / Timer Display

Normal Display Mode

Press both

Edit/Display key