Look at the lights – Elenco Snap Circuits® Deluxe Sound & Light Combo User Manual

Page 57

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Project 71

Scattering Light

Project 69

Prismatic Film

Project 70

Project 72

Color Fiber Light

Prismatic film separates light

into different colors. White

light is a combination of all


Semi-transparent materials

scatter the light without

completely blocking it, so a

wide area of the liquid or

material is lit up by the light.

This happens in the egg and

tower LED attachments.

This is the same circuit as project 1, but you will view it

differently. Turn on the switch (S1), and view the LED

through the prismatic film (the clear slide). Prismatic film

makes interesting light effects.
Replace the color LED (D8) with the white LED (D6) and

red LED (D1); view them through the prismatic film.

View different light sources in and around

your home through the prismatic film.

Look at the


Use the project 69 circuit, but view

the color LED through various semi-

transparent liquids, glassware, and

plastics. Juices, Jello, and cloudy

glass or plastic work well.
Replace the color LED with the

white LED (D6). The white LED is

brighter, but does not change color.

Use the circuit from project 69, but place the clear cable

holder on the color LED (D8), then place the fiber optic

cable into the holder as far as it will go. Turn on the

switch, then take the circuit into a dimly lit room and see

the light coming out the open end of the cable. The light

travels through the cable even as you bend it around.

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