Elenco Snap Circuits® Deluxe Sound & Light Combo User Manual

Page 126

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Build the circuit as shown. Place the circuit in a quiet

room. Connect the speaker (SP2) using the red & black

jumper wires, then hold it away from the microphone.

Turn on the slide switch (S1). Talk into the microphone

or press keys on the keyboard (U26), and listen the

echo on the speaker. Adjust the amount of echo using

the lever on the adjustable resistor (RV); move the

lever up for more echo or down for less echo. Try this

at different RV settings, because the effects are very

interesting with both high and low echo amounts.

The color LED (D8) lights when keys are

pressed but will be dim. It is easier to see

in a dimly lit room.
Note: You must hold the speaker away

from the microphone or the circuit may self-

oscillate due to feedback. You also need a

quiet room, with low background noise.

Project 268

LED Voice Keyboard Echo

Project 269

Photo LED



Project 270

Photo LED


Project 271

Audio Dark Light

Use the preceding circuit, but

remove the adjustable resistor

(RV) from the circuit. Press keys

on the keyboard (U26), and vary

the light to the photoresistor (RP)

to adjust the volume. There won’t

be any echo effects now.

Use the preceding circuit, but

replace the microphone (X1) with the

photoresistor (RP). As you are

pressing keys on the keyboard

(U26), vary the amount of light

shining into the photoresistor to

change the sound. Try it using

different settings on the adjustable

resistor (RV).

Build the circuit, and

turn on the slide switch

(S1). Set the knob on

the 500kW adjustable

resistor (RV3) to the

right until the color LED

(D8) is off. Cover the

photoresistor (RP) or

take the circuit into a

dark room, and the

color LED should turn

on, and you hear

clicking from the

speaker (SP2). The

clicking will not be very

loud. Try replacing the

color LED (D8) with the

white LED (D6).

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