Elenco Snap Circuits® Deluxe Sound & Light Combo User Manual

Page 34

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Moving parts. Do not

touch the fan or motor during operation.

Do not lean over the motor. Fan may

not rise until switch is released.

Project 7

Flying Saucer

Project 8

Super Flying Saucer


The air is being blown down through the blade and

the motor rotation locks the fan on the shaft. When

the motor is turned off, the blade unlocks from the

shaft and is free to act as a propeller and fly through

the air. If speed of rotation is too slow, the fan will

remain on the motor shaft because it does not have

enough lift to propel it.




Moving parts. Do not touch the fan

or motor during operation. Do not lean over the

motor. Fan may not rise until switch is released.

Eye protection is recommended for this circuit.

Push the press switch (S2) until the motor reaches

full speed, then release it. The fan blade should rise

and float through the air like a flying saucer. Be

careful not to look directly down on fan blade when it

is spinning.
If the fan doesn’t fly off, then press the switch several

times rapidly when it is at full speed. The motor spins

faster when the batteries are new.
The glow fan will glow in the dark. It will glow best

after absorbing sunlight for a while. The glow fan is

made of plastic, so be careful not to let it get hot

enough to melt. The glow looks best in a dimly lit


This circuit will make the fan spin faster and fly higher than the

preceding circuit, making it easy to lose your fan.


Electronics Inc. is not responsible for lost or

broken fans! You may purchase replacement fans at www.
Push the press switch (S2) until the motor reaches full speed, then

release it. The fan blade should rise and float through the air like a flying

saucer. Be careful not to look directly down on fan blade when it is


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