Elenco Snap Circuits® Deluxe Sound & Light Combo User Manual
Page 33
Project 5
Voice Light Show
Project 6
Play the Color Organ
The light in the color organ module is
actually red, green, and blue LEDs together.
The points marked R, G, and B control the
light for those colors. Combining red and
green makes yellow, green and blue makes
cyan, red and blue makes purple, and
combining all three colors makes white.
How does it work? The
microphone converts your
voice to an electrical signal,
which controls an electronic
counter in the color organ.
The counter controls a red-
green-blue LED.
LED Attachments
Build the circuit as shown, and place one of the LED attachments
(tower, egg, or fiber optic tree) over the LED on the color organ (U22).
Turn on the switch (S1) and talk. The color organ light will follow your
voice, in tone and loudness.
Build the circuit as shown, and turn on the switch (S1). Place one of the
LED attachments on the color organ (U22). Wet your fingers, and touch
them between the point marked “X”, and points marked “R”, “G”, or “B”
in the drawing. Try X with every combination of R, G, and B, including
touching them all at the same time.
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